Design by Liz Ensor – Kitchen Studio Hastings
Incorporating the hall and having French doors to the outside, as suggested by the kitchen designer, were a eureka moment. Everything on the client’s kitchen wishlist could then be incorporated.
Direct access to the garden allows this couple to truly live the `good life`. Hens are in the chook-house. Vegetables are washed & prepared in the deep sinks. The drawers below the bench pantry store big bins of different flours for breadmaking. Twin bins allow for recycling & composting. The large cooker commands attention. Glass cupboards are filled with family treasures.
The walls are earth plaster. The extractor is recirculating to work with the heat recovery system. The timber island & floors oiled rather than sealed. The client desired a traditional look choosing a warm buttery cream in a classic profile. Cup & knob handles are in antique bronze. The tiles are hand made from Portugal. Heavy cast iron pots can be put directly on the heat resistant back bench.
Family is important with extended family gathering at their parent’s home regularly. There is now plenty of room for everybody to share in the meal preparation and washing up.
For these clients, their major home renovation including the kitchen, has really achieved the `good life`.